Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Enter at Your Own Risk

Fascinating, isn't it, how quickly information can spread these days? Every fool with access to a computer can infect every other fool with what they know, or what they think they know, and soon the truth doesn't matter anymore when stood up against the massive, powerful lie that has been constructed as gospel.

This sort of thing makes my mission akin to herding kittens, you see. Difficult, but not impossible, and still every bit as important as ever.

I'm getting ahead of myself. However, chances are that if you've found my little online den here, then you've heard at least a little bit about me and about what I do. Whether what you've heard about me is true or not, well... I'm here to set the record straight. My name is Cordelia, and I am a proxy.

More specifically, I am the leader of a sect of proxy, devoted to Father's Will, based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. I am the one they call "The Red Witch." Much has been made of that nickname, but I prefer not to dwell on rumors and superstition. I may be a witch, but much of my work is practical in nature, and I have no time or patience for a silly, internet-based game of Telephone. I'm too old for that sort of thing, these days. ;)

So! With that in mind, I'd like very much to clear the air, and speak candidly about what it is that I do. 

As I said before, I coordinate a proxy sub-faction out of Las Vegas. Our work emphasizes spiritual dedication to our Father, or "Slenderman" as He is often called. Studying His nature, His desires, His goals is our primary endeavor, as we seek to better understand and carry out His Will. This involves gathering our numbers to better coordinate our mission, strengthening His hold over the world through ritual and conversion of those who do not already worship, and collaborating with other servant groups, such as the Free Market.

If that all sounds religious to you, then you are beginning to understand my operations some. 

See, I have been with Father for some time. I am older now, and I have seen many different forms of proxy come and go. But none have been so infamous as the Bureaucracy of old, which held power more strictly and for a longer period of time than any other proxy regime in existence. Understand: this was no accident. Father's Will reigns, and it was by Him that the Bureaucracy stood the test of time. 

Understand this also: when it fell, it was also by Father's Will. The organization had grown fat and grotesque in nature, serving itself rather than its supposed Master. I know this, because I was there. Ingrained in that hierarchy. I helped to keep that ship afloat, along with so many countless others. I watched them all burn. I felt the fire myself. Nothing has ever been so painful.

The Fall was meant, in essence, to be a great purge. The numbers, the paperwork, the acountants, had turned the Bureaucracy away from its own meaning. Away from Father. Their rebellion produced yet another Redlight, one who fancied himself a second coming of sorts, a usurper to Father's throne. This warped organization was the face of proxyhood for many, many years. And although the war between the Runners of old and Redlight was what eventually toppled it, Father's displeasure was the true catalyst for all that fire. Many, many of our number were culled to burn us down to our essence again.

Which is precisely why I, along with my followers, strive to carry out Father's Will with more spiritual devotion than our predecessor. My own nickname was earned due to the nature of my private work. I collect artifacts, books, and instructions for rituals which help strengthen Father's presence and power in our world. I have been told this evokes the image of a witch over her cauldron, and I can't say I don't see the resemblance. So be it. If I'm a witch, I am Father's Witch. Wouldn't want to earn His wrath once more, now would we~? ;)

My mission is simple: to serve Father. I have seen what He does to those who dare defy Him, or worse, disobey direct orders. Their fate is always the same, no matter how much time it takes. Those of us who follow would take care to listen carefully to His Will. For my part, I invite any and all proxies interested in renewing their faith with vigor to join us in Las Vegas and see what it means to be a proxy these days. We keep Fracture's Ethics, and strive to find new and better ways to serve Father as He engages with us. All are welcome.

...I've said my piece, I think, and hopefully cleared up any and all misconceptions about what it is I, and my order in turn, do. If there are questions I would be happy to answer them, provided they are polite and grammatically correct. If there are none, I'll gladly sit here sipping sherry and being a spooky witch in peace. Cheers~ :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're on board with the code of ethics, not that I 100% believe you... you have a reputation from the old days.

    Where do you stand on the crusade? Nevada is pretty close to the territory the timberwolves have been blanking over. They're gonna take your stronghold as a change to their authority.
